Edge Grove School Dining

Edge Grove School - Dining Hall

Aldenham, Hertfordshire

The conversion of the ‘Stable Block’, an area ancillary wing to the original house, to form a new 200-seater Dining Hall

This project involves the conversion of the ‘Stable Block’, an area ancillary wing to the original house, to form a new 200-seater Dining Hall. Like many schools which have grown over time, the school had outgrown its dining facilities.

The consented project involves conversion of the existing building into new kitchens, washrooms and offices, and the creation of a new Dining Hall in a large orangery building. The resulting design is a politely composed pavilion which sits harmoniously with the historic brick building behind it. Large windows interspersed with clean columns reflect rhythm of the classical-styled frontage of the original, to make a discreet contemporary addition which does not challenge its surroundings. Planning and Listed Building consents have been obtained.

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